In My Kitchen

In My Kitchen

It is months since I have posted an In My Kitchen update. These are hosted by the fabulous Celia on Fig Jam and Lime Cordial. Jump over to take a peek in kitchens all around the world.

As months have gone by it is going to be a post about what’s been happening this Winter. It has been a cold one, with the heater going most days. So, in my kitchen this Winter has been clothes drying in the heat.

Drying towels (Photo copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)
Drying towels (Photo copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)

It has been too cold to work in my studio (aka The Playroom!). The little heater there just couldn’t combat the cold. So I decamped into the kitchen area, setting up a working table. More clutter in the room, but warm. 😉

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)

There were more kitcheny things happening too.

After reading of a simmer plate in EllaDee’s blog I had to get one too. My stove is old and cranky, and doesn’t like to have very gentle heat. I am hoping that this simmer plate will help to stop food sticking when I am slow cooking.

I also bought a new drinking bottle from Aldi. I left my last one on Flinders Island and have been looking for a metal one ever since. Mine is the mint green one.

 (Photo copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)

I have done some baking over Winter. Like these….the cake is a little one that I made for a friend who lives alone. We ate the other one! The recipe came from Kate, Tall tales from Chiconia. It uses apple sauce and hers had the most luscious looking fudge icing. I had to draw the line at that much sugar, but it was still delicious. The choc chip biscuits were soon eaten by the Fella and me!

And there was some serious food in my kitchen too! The sweet potatoes were ones that I grew. So easy to grow.

Lastly, a recipe I made up for a quick, easy and tasty one-pot-dish.

Salute some onions or leeks and garlic. Add in sliced potatoes and any other veggie that you like. You can see that I have added sweet potato, celery, including the tops and peas. I added them towards the end. Then  I mixed up a miso soup paste with hot water and added that to the mix. You will then need to adjust the amount of liquid so that the veggies can boil.

 (Photo copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)

19 replies on “In My Kitchen”

It is a lovely room. I am finding the light really good for painting. I may move there permanently! The cake was very yummy and some day I may venture to make the icing. 😉


Kitchens are great for multi-tasking. It’s grey, cool and miserable looking outside but in our Sunday afternoon kitchen the oven is on and it’s cosy. We dry clothes in here -over chairs- and the ‘laundry’ is simply in another kitchen cupboard.
We rarely go far without our SS drink bottles or insulated coffee mugs. Saves us a fortune.
I hope you had the success I did with the simmer mat. Great for one pot dishes that need a gentle touch. Certainly your baking & cooking efforts look wonderful. Miso veges – yum 🙂


Too many grey days this winter. It is predicted to be 20 degrees this weekend and that will be glorious! Thanks for the lead on the simmer mat. It will be getting a workout over the next few days as I am going to start cooking casseroles to take away with us.


Everything looks wonderful! Those chocolate chip cookies (that’s what we call them in our crazy American moon language 😉 ) look amaaaaaazing. 😀 I’m glad your kitchen is bringing you such happiness and yumminess!


I picked my simmer mat up from the London American Store. Is that what it is called? The kitchen place near the Vic Market. Probably widely available in those sorts of places. I am going to use it quite a bit of the next few days as I am cooking for our next trip in the caravan. I love to use miso paste as it adds a different flavour to the usual stocks.

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