AnneLawsonArt My art work

13 and Market

Remember when I sent off some feather drawings to be put into an online shop? These are a few of the ones I sent. [The numbers were for my benefit, and don’t appear on the originals!]

Well, the shop, 13 and Market is open for business! Yay! Another place to buy my feathers. These ones are unique to 13 and Market, [however, there are other ink feathers available in my Etsy shop].

I was curious to see how Nikki was going to display the feathers. On Etsy I can put each feather separately, with five photos and individual descriptions. That wasn’t possible on 13 and Market, so I love the way she shows each feather and allows you to zoom in on details.

Jump over to the new store and have a look. There are the most amazing moose heads for sale too!

AnneLawsonArt My art work Uncategorized

A new project

In October a customer, Nikki, bought one of my feather drawings through Etsy. A little while later she approached me about an order for her new online store! And today I sent off the drawings…..How fantastic is that?!

I have created a series of ink feathers for exclusively for her; they will not be available on Etsy. I used a fountain pen and water soluble ink to draw them. Because the ink smudges with water I was able to make the downy part of the feather much softer and fluffier than I have been able to get with non-soluble ink pens.

[The purple stripes are sticky strips that allowed me to number them to allow Nikki to make a selection.]

Working with Nikki was the spur to changing my Etsy shop name.

The shop is Thirteen and Market. It is going to be opened in January, and I will certainly let you know when it does. But there is also Facebook and Instagram pages, where Nikki is showcasing items in the shop. I have to say, I thought my feather drawing looked very handsome in its gold frame on Facebook.

Interesting to see how one interaction, in this case on Etsy, can lead to something wider.

And speaking of interactions…..remember you can show us what is happening in your creative world by leaving a comment on my previous post In My Studio.


In My Studio My art work Uncategorized

In My Studio

(The first in what I hope to be a monthly post. Scroll down to the bottom to find out how you can play along.)

I am very lucky to have the spare room as my studio. It is known to the Fella and me as the Playroom, because it is where I have the computer and my art stuff. It is such a luxury to be able to come into my own domain, to sit at the table and continue on a project. I can spread my things around me and if I can’t find them I only have myself to blame!

However, as it is the spare room it doubles as the guest room. There is a divan that folds out into the bed. Because it takes up the whole floor space I have to pack everything away when a guest comes. I look on it as a chance to tidy away and clean up!

My very messy work table.

You can see from the photo that I work with a lot of stuff within reach. I have a habit of using something and then putting it down close beside where I am working. It means that my working area gets smaller and smaller as more things encroach on it! Each week I try to clean up to give myself a larger space to slowly fill up again.

I have to show you this very cute rubber that my sister gave me. You can see where she got it from!

So, what’s happening in my Playroom this month?

I have been working on an order of ink feathers to send off to the States. It is exciting and I will tell you more about it in another post soon. Here is a sneak preview of one of the feathers.

Ink feather. (Image copyright: Anne Lawson 2015)

Also I have been playing some more with watercolour washes. These are some of the paintings, which I have pinned up onto the wall. They are close to being finished but I need time and space to evaluate areas that might need more work.

I’ve always been reluctant to pin things to walls. I hear my Dad’s voice in my ear telling me not to ruin the paint work and pull off the plaster. That is until I found this great hanging system.

It is the 3M Commander series and I am only mentioning the brand name because they actually work. I found out about them last year when we had our group exhibition in Menindee. The curator suggested that we use them. They are adhesive, but pull cleanly off the wall. Dad would be very happy because they don’t take off the plaster or the paint.

You can see the tab peeking out from the paper.

There are two sorts.

I am using one for posters ~ that’s the one with the cat. Each tab has adhesive on both sides and you press one to the wall and the other to the paper. For the exhibition we used the other sort on our framed paintings. You squash two of the tabs with the velcro stuff together and then put them on the frame and the wall. They are surprisingly strong.

When you want to remove them you pull the tab straight down along the wall. It stretches out and then pulls away.

So that’s a little peek into my studio.

Would you like to let us have a peek into your creative space? Just write a post about it (or put it on Facebook, Twitter etc) and link to that post in the comments below. Hopefully we will visit spaces from all parts of the world!

Remember though, it doesn’t have to be a grand studio nor a polished piece of work. It might be your favourite pen or the outline of your story on your computer. What helps you become creative?