In My Kitchen Melbourne

In my kitchen…..

Celia, from Fig Jam and Lime Cordial, has a wonderful blog that is always full of scrumptious delights. Boy, she is one talented lady! One of her regular segments is to show what is in her kitchen, and I love taking a peek at what she has.

I have just been to the Victoria Market for the weekly shop, and thought I would show you what is now in my kitchen. We try to eat as little processed food as possible, so the Vic Market is a godsend. Where we can we buy locally grown produce.

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Capsciums. I am going to stuff these and then roast them. I am not sure if I will stuff them with rice or beans. I do know that it will be a garlicky/tomatoey/oniony mixture.

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Beetroot. I am roasting a couple tonight and will eat them with the capsicums. I asked the stall holder to leave the tops on, as I would prefer to have them in my compost and feeding the worms than in land fill.

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Mushrooms, because it is the season for them. I will nestle a cheesy mixture into the cups and gently cook them. They will be dinner later in the week.

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Kransky sausage. I was inspired by Meeks’ recipe for lentil stew that included a kransky sausage. Yum!

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Rhubarb. This will be stewed with …..

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

……apples and pears and added to our breakfast fruit and yoghurt.

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Bacon. I have a little kit that removes the air from the bags. It helps to keep things like bacon fresher for longer.

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

3 tubs of homous, because the deli we go to has a good deal for three dips. I will freeze two to use later. (By the way, should ‘homous’ have a double m? My spell check thinks it should be ‘home’!)

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Pizza bases. I will freeze them, as they are a great stand-by. You can always rustle up things to put on a pizza.

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

My list for the freezer. This list, which lives on the fridge, makes me look organised. Really I have it so that things do not linger in the freezer. Despite my list, last time I defrosted the freezer I found a packet of spinach with a use by date of 2007!

(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)
(Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2014)

Hot cross bun. Only the remains to show you, but it was delicious!

I am very fortunate to be able to eat so well.

47 replies on “In my kitchen…..”

Here it’s spelt Hummus 😀 I learnt an interesting trick for it recently. You put the ready made stuff in a food processor with a couple of roasted red bell peppers (skins removed), a clove of garlic and a drizzle of olive oil. It gives it a nice fresh taste. Served on thick cucumber rounds instead of bread also makes for an easy canapé.


I saw that smiley face too! The hummus was delicious. The people at that Deli make it themselves, and I love the consistency of it. Thanks for helping out with my poor spelling.


Ooh, I would love to be able to do my fresh food shopping at Queen Victoria Markets. Possibly after the novelty wore off, after several years maybe, I would not come home with too much stuff… At my local farmers markets even now I find it hard to come home with only what’s on my list or I have a plan for but you have done so well, and I’m impressed by your freezer list organisation. Once I get a bigger freezer than warrants it, I will copy the idea.
Meek’s lentil recipe, and the sausage, has been on my mind too… it will be definitely be on the menu during winter.
My Dad was reminiscing about rhubarb only the other day. I enjoy it but have never cooked it so maybe it’s time.
Excellent IMK post 🙂


Beautiful photos, Anne. Like Ella I wish I could shop at Vic Market. Back when I was sharing a student house in Fitzroy, we’d go down to the Vic. every Saturday morning for the week’s shop. -nostalgic sigh- And buy hot donuts from the van. 😀


I have to say that I didn’t quite get to the lentil stew with the kransky sausage. But it still sounds good, so I have added it onto this week’s menu. Thanks for taking a look around my kitchen, and stopping by for a natter. 🙂


Hi Anne, thank you for the peek into your kitchen. You can’t beat fresh produce, can you! Especially from those markets. Nice one.


Thanks for dropping in and having a chat! I am adventurous with my cooking, but have decided to try a new recipe and/or ingredient each week. There are so many tempting fresh goodies at the market. Do you buy from a market?


You have some lovely produce there. If the beetroot tops are nice and fresh, and not too old and leathery, you can cook them up in much the same way as silverbeet, spinach or kale. Then you can get another meal out of them 🙂 I haven’t had a kransky for years but that one looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for peeking into my kitchen, Tania, and taking the time to comment. You are so right about the beetroot tops, but I didn’t think of it at the time. I have just planted some beetroot seeds, so I should have my own supply. I put the tops into the worm farm, and roasted the roots. Yum. The kransky was so good that I bought another one this week. A very handy standby.


MMm – Just looking at your post is making me wish for fresh markets with fresh produce. We are about a month away from getting anything local! Nice post- thaks so much for sharing!


How lucky you are to have such a good market nearby – though I suspect I’d be seduced by far too much. It all looks wonderfully fresh. I add a little Sloe Gin to rhubarb when I cook it, to take away that furry teeth feeling but maybe apples and pears do the same thing. Thanks for the peek into your kitchen.


Sloe gin? Can I use ordinary gin? I love the idea of a rhubarb martini with my breakfast fruit! I find spinach does the same to my teeth. Thanks for the suggestion — and for dropping by.


I admit that I am a List Person 🙂 but my freezer list is really useful. Because I know what is in there I don’t keep buying the same stuff! Let me know how your list goes.


Yes, it is a fair way to go for a weekly shop! Do you have good markets in Alice Springs? I would think that fresh produce would be expensive. What goodies did you buy at the market to take home?


And what may I ask, is wrong with that out of date spinach? I think we’ve all been there Anne. I also freeze lots of things like dips, butter, cream so something is bound to escape. Like the look of those pizza bases – I find whipping up a quick pizza easier than almost anything. I couldn’t live without my pizza stone for a good crips base. Thanks for the tour.


It was the age of the spinach that made my eyes pop. 🙂 I had never thought to freeze butter and cream, but I suppose there is no reason not to. Good suggestion. I use a pizza stone too. When I bought it I thought it was rather gimmicky, but wouldn’t cook pizzas without it now. Thanks for joining me on my walk through the kitchen!


Hi Anne, thanks for a look at your kitchen. You have made me think of freezing more as I always feel guilty when I look in my half empty chest freezer.


Ohh, don’t feel guilty, we do what we can do. 🙂 My Fella, who knows about these things, tells me that freezers run better if they are full. I have been using the freezer more in the last few years, and am finding that I use it for things we use regularly — meat, dips, the pizza bases etc — rather than as a long term storage. I am so glad that you liked my post. Thank you.


Yep, sure do. I have been to the market today, and stocked up the fridge. Do you go regularly? Thanks for dropping by ~ it was a pleasure to have you here.


You are lucky to be close to such a great market. There is nothing like it to buy the best freshest produce. Looks like you are set for some delicious cooking


It is one of the pleasures of my retirement. I love having the time to go in to the market each week, rather than rushing around the supermarket on a Saturday morning. I wish everyone could have that pleasure.


Love getting fresh produce from markets. I had the joy of visiting Melbourne in March for the first time and visited Victoria market… what a fabulous place. Great idea to have a freezer list… you have inspired me. 🙂


We visited Melbourne for almost two weeks as my husband was competing in the Ironman Melbourne. This was my first to visit Australia and we so loved our time there… what a fabulous city. 🙂 And yes look forward to seeing more of Melbourne through your blog.


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