How does my garden grow? Plants

How does my garden grow….in early Autumn? (Part 1)

Today is dull and rainy, perfect for staying inside to tell you about my Autumn garden.

We had a run of very hot days over Summer ~ 40 plus degrees. That knocked the garden around. In Spring last year I planted out a bed with annuals and over the Summer I learnt what survived and what didn’t. The lobelias didn’t make it through. The pansies were a mix. The first ones I put in as small seedlings in Spring limped along ~ a couple of plants have survived. Later in Summer I put in some larger pansies to add quick colour to the bed. (I was hosting a family BBQ.) They have done well. The wallflowers are now flourishing and the aquilegias have a second burst of leafy growth. They didn’t flower this year. Any thoughts on why?


This photo is a long shot of the garden, down to the shed and the back fence. The annuals are to the left ~ you can just see the pansies and wallflowers. The verbena, at the bottom left corner, also did very well over Summer. The bush in the centre is a correa and you can just pick out its long red and cream flowers.

The next 3 photos are of the grapevine being cut back. We don’t have air conditioning in our house so our back living area relies on the cool shade of this vine. It works remarkably well. Come Autumn though, it needs to be cut back. Now the sunlight streams through the windows.

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There is a lot of green waste. We filled up our green bin, as well as the neighbours’. The bins are collected fortnightly. The waste is used composted and used on Council garden beds. It is good to know that if we can’t use it it is not going to landfill.

I also added leaves to the worm farm and the compost.

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I am always fascinated with the small things in the garden. These pelargonium seed pods intrigued me.

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Lastly, for this post, is the beautiful nerine that is in flower at the moment. Tough as old boots, but always comes up trumps.

I have been working in the front yard, and will show you what I have been up to next time.



6 replies on “How does my garden grow….in early Autumn? (Part 1)”

I am always tempted to draw seed pods, but I have a queue of other things to work on! As for Part 2, I have scheduled it to be published automatically by WordPress. However, I couldn’t work out what time zone the publishing clock was in, so I wonder what time it will appear. 🙂


I find doing things with secateurs very satisfying, so I keep up with deadheading and tip pruning. Having said that, there are things that are way out of control. I have a star jasmine on the fence that is threatening to take over that part of the garden. I don’t prune it often because it leaks that sticky white sap. It really needs to be pulled out, but then the fence would be exposed. Then I would need to get a new fence, and then I would have to talk to the neighbour on that side. 😦 Easier to let it take over!

How are your veggies going? Have you planted any winter ones this year?


Nothing like a good natter, so let's have a chat!

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