How does my garden grow? Plants

How does my garden grow?

It is pleasing to be able to say that I am happy with the garden at the moment. I haven’t said that for quite a while. And the difference? My gardener Linda.

She has come once a month since the beginning of the year. Each visit she mows and edges the nature strip. This used to be the Fella’s job, but over the last few years he has lost the energy to do it, and we were relying on the goodness of neighbours and friends.

And the growth of the grass over Summer was rampant. Not just in my patch, but all along the street. You could practically see it growing before your eyes. Without Linda I think it would have joined us in the house!

Then she attacked the weeds. I have moaned to you on many occasions about how prolific they are. No sooner would I clear out one patch than another would burst forth. Of course they will come back, but I know they will be dealt with. It is very comforting to be able to ignore; or to be able to use a pocket of time ~ 10 minutes is enough ~ to pull out some when they are small.

Previously I had never been satisfied with my plantings under the rose bush, now I think that has changed. It was the first area Linda cleared for me, when it was the right time to plant.

Hard to tell what is growing there ~ and they have really taken off after this photo ~ but there are statice, geraniums, cat mints, sage, salvias, as well as the iris and various bulbs I planted ages ago. Since this photo the cornflower seeds have sprouted, as have silver beet seeds.

Linda fought her way, decimating the weeds, to the compost bins. I am now using them again, which pleases me. Not only are they more accessible, but I also have more time to look after them. Hopefully they won’t become the slimy mess again.

Some times, in past posts about my garden you may have seen a bath lurking under the maple. we took it out of the bathroom many years ago. Occasionally the Fella would ask what I was going to do with it. In the early days I would answer that I wanted to make it into a pond. That was too complicated! So then I would answer hmmmm, not sure.

The brainwave came a couple of weeks ago….make it into a veggie patch. So Linda helped me move it, put it up on some bricks and pavers, and told me how to set up the soil.

So, here it is, yet to be filled with the soil, but sitting gloriously in the part of the garden that gets the most sun. It was also another weedy area, so I am pleased to be making it more productive too. (You can see more of the recent growth in the newly planted garden bed. And yes, that is a self-seeded tomato.)

The other benefit is the area where the bath was. Hellebores grow well there, so I will plant more. As you can tell from the photo other things grow very well there too! Once I would have turned away from it, but now I know that I have time and help to deal with it. It’s good feeling.

I respectfully acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land on which I live and garden – the Wurundjeri Woi-wurrung People of the Kulin Nation, their spirits, ancestors, elders and community members past and present. 

27 replies on “How does my garden grow?”

Gods do I know how you feel! Weeding kills my back so I’m converting some of my garden beds into mowable areas. The weeds grow best there anyway so I may as well mow them. That still leaves a lot of unmowable areas so I’ve taken to dumping the grass clippings onto them. If the layer is thick enough, it does discourage the weeds. I call it my on-site compost. 😉
I’m sorry to hear that your Fella is still not 100%, but at least you have help now, and that’s vital. Just reading this post made me realise how much you’ve missed your garden. -hugs-

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I have missed my garden. I have missed pottering and watching how things grow and understanding the cycles ~ food scraps to compost to soil to veggies to food scraps. It’s lovely to just go out and look, rather than worry.
Those pesky weeds that seem to flourish more than the things we plant! Your idea of putting the lawn clippings on them is a good one.

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Yes! My compost pile has turned into a nursery. 🙂 It began as a semi fenced off area onto which I threw everything from grass clipping to food waste and after a year or two, babies started growing on the heap. I currently have one pumpkin, two peaches of some sort, 1 unknown, maybe a plum? and two avocados – 1 small sapling and one new seedling. I did nothing except water the heap in summer to make sure it didn’t catch first, and voila – a nursery. 🙂
lol – I haven’t actually used any of the soil because it’s being used already. I love watching little volunteers poke their heads up.


Sounds like a good arrangement Anne. We have had to hire a gardener too, since my fellow has not figured out the idea of retirement and is so busy I simply couldn’t take care of it all! It’s not easy to find a gardener either, we had a false start that left us hanging but finally I found a woman who runs a good crew (leave it to a good woman, eh?) Best wishes.

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You’ve touched on important gardening skills, knowing what you like, what works in your patch and for you, and getting help for the bits that you can’t manage. Your garden is looking fabulous and by still requiring your touch must give you so much enjoyment. It takes a while to get to know your site, and even then what we’re capable of changes… we’ve had to modify some of our plans and parts of the garden so they’re more user-friendly.

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The notion of your fellow not figuring out the idea of retirement made me smile! So ‘retirement’ for him doesn’t include portering in the garden?! How is your veggie patch going? My gardener was suggested by a friend. I think Linda took me on as a favour, but now seems to enjoy working on my patch. She is an amazing woman, and knows her plants.


I was foxed by your comment placement for a little while!
It is a matter of resources, isn’t it? I am coming to the idea of getting help where I need it. Over the years I have battled on, and then grumbled that I have no time to do the things I really wanted to do. Now I happily have someone who comes in to do simple house work, and Linda too.. My time is squished even more by caring for the Fella, again, something that you are familiar with. I do get enjoyment now by being able to use the pockets of time I have to potter in the garden.

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when I came here from a place that wasn’t a happy garden yard, I was sure I’d tame this place but it was soon apparent that it like so many tenanted properties had been misused and the yard wasn’t going to “tame anytime soon” I mowed it regularly until I realised that it was dangerous with it’s dips and mounds, enter a lawn man…
I also had plant pots but that has been abandoned expect for a few things – and actually I just gave a bunch of pots away this very last week..
I’ll make do with walking past other peoples gardens on my walks…and I’m hoping to get into a store nearby that get in blooms once a week, got to be able to do that as anxiety in small shops isn’t for me right now. ..
But love that you’ve found a “Helper” prepared to help as well…

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We have to do what we are able to, and let the rest go or get help. That’s certainly what you have been doing, Catherine. I love your idea of enjoying other people’s gardens ~ and I am sure the owners are pleased that their gardens are admired.


A garden that is just a worry and a chore is no fun at all. I am so glad you have found someone to give you the help you need and are creating a garden that gives you pleasure without the hassle.

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It was becoming a chore, and was weighing on my mind. The only way I could deal with it was to not spend time out there. So Linda is a godsend! As I have said in other comments I happily potter away out there now, using the pockets of time that I have. And once I get the veggie bath set up I will have veggies to tend to too. That’s been a while.

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I used to dread dealing with massed weeds because of the disposal issue. Too much in one go for the compost bin, but I hated putting them in the bin. Now I have the Girls, who are kindly turning them and all our grass clippings into compost for me. I love having garden helpers who also supply fresh eggs!

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I understand the dilemma Kate. I am lucky that my neighbour has two green bins and happily lends out one when necessary…..which he should be, as Linda mows his nature strip too! I would love to have chickens, but that is not going to happen. Perhaps I can encourage my neighbours to have some and I can donate the weeds to their diet!


Thanks for the encouragement Tierney. I don’t have any seating spots….yet. However, I can see the garden from the kitchen/living room, and can watch the antics of the birds in the bird bath.

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