AnneLawsonArt SAL

SAL ~ the Forest Regenerates (or maybe not….)

It is always lovely to have read the comments that you lovely people leave about this work. Last time they enthused me to get going to finish this work. Unfortunately…..I still didn’t get to put any threads through the material.

So this is where I was last time

contemporary embroidery

and this is where I am now

contemporary embroidery

Still the same!

However, I have been creating. In this post you may have seen a couple of the things I have been making. Lots of other creations made with paper have appeared….little accordion books, bigger collage paintings, folding, printing…… just not sewing.

Well, not quite no sewing. My sister is making a quilt for her little grandson. She has asked Mum and me to embroider two squares each to go into the corners. I helped Mum work out a couple of ideas for her blocks, which left me with no ideas for mine! A star has emerged on one of my squares

but I am out of ideas for the second. I had thought of a big capital C. Mum is working on an A as his first name is Archie. The C would be for his surname, so it doesn’t have quite the same ring. Mum’s other block is a train. Any ideas? I know you are all very creative and supportive, so I would love your input.

There is a world of talented stitchers for you to discover. Click on the links to see their beautiful work. Thanks to Avis for reminding us every three weeks!

AvisClaireGunCaroleSueConstanzeChristinaKathyMargaretCindyHeidiJackieSunnyHayley,MeganDeborahMary MargaretReneeCarmelaJocelynSharonDaisyAnneConnieAJJennyLaura,CathieLindaSherrieHelen

By anne54

Botanic artist

26 replies on “SAL ~ the Forest Regenerates (or maybe not….)”

a rainbow

don’t worry about your WIP or is it a PhD … You could just say “it’s done”… Who would know 🙂 – tidy it up to go in your frame/whatever and there you are, all done!

I have a lot of PhD’s hanging around, one from the very first weeks of Lockdown when I was making an small art book about “wood” – everything is done except the words, and maybe the cover…it’s away on leave aka resting and napping!


Oh, that made me smile Catherine! Who would know, and really, who would mind? Except me. And it only needs a little more to be finished.
I love the idea that works are on leave, while you work on something else. Having a holiday in the sun, I hope ☀️
A rainbow is an idea to think about.

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You have no idea how happy it makes me to see your work too is on pause. I feel less alone in my meandering ways through many hours of ‘being creative’. 🙂 I am confident we will come back to these things in the days to come. I love the name ‘Archie’ it’s such a good name for a boy. Why not embroider the rest of his name to go with your mum’s ‘A’ I also like Kate’s suggestion of the sun.

Thanks for letting me know about the glitch in my blog post – I had to delete and redo it. It’s up again now. 🙂


I am glad that my procrastination helps you ☺️ I am getting annoyed with myself for not finishing it off. I guess it is standing in the way of other meanderings.
Archie is a good name, and he is such a delightful, very active little boy. I have some good ideas to play with.
Good news about your photos. I will head over to your blog and see you beautiful creations.


what does Archie bring to mind? start with that and springboard off ( won’t tell you what my first thought was -it wasn’t very interesting, and I’d hate to block you with it!)
I also think you should do something that is essence of Anne – so a feather would be perfect, or a collection of feathers that could be appliqued to the final piece?

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Our little Archie brings to mind a very active little boy. His father wants him to be a footballer, and so far he has the energy to be one! Unfortunately a football is a pretty uninspiring image. I did think to work in the colours the team his dad follows. Feathers are another thing to think about. Thanks for your input, Dawn.

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If I was aked to do a block for A child it would be easy – lots of ideas. But if it was for a very special child I would be as stuck as you are! This isn’t any old child so it has to be just right for him. I suspect that if you potter around and just wait inspiration will strike and you will know it is the right design. Whatever it is it will be beautiful like your star.


If Mom is doing the A, I think you should do the C for his last name. You could make the C look like a train or alphabet blocks curved into a C shape, anything like that maybe 🙂 PS I made the delicious shortbread like apple and raisin cake again – Yum!!


It turns out that Mum has written his whole name, so I can play around with an A. I like the idea of blocks….something else to think about.
I am so glad that the cake continues to delight! It sounds like a keeper. 😊


Someone else mentioned a car, and that would be my suggestion too. I’ve never met a boy yet who didn’t like cars and machinery in general. But…if you want to leave him a piece of /you/…how about a melaleuka? Sorry, never know how to spell that name.


A car would be prefect ~ Mum has done a train and the other fabrics have transport theme. My problem is how to do a simple car that doesn’t look old and daggy. It looks like I need to head online.

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I was trying to think of animals that start with A but can only come up with aardvark, anteater, and angelfish. However, A + C makes me think of electricity, which brings to mind a lightning bolt, or a kite (as in the Benjamin Franklin kite and key experiment).


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