AnneLawsonArt My art work Odds and Ends

What a week!

When my hairdresser asked me on Friday how my week had been, the word that seemed to sum it up was “Intense”, one of endings and beginnings.

We had Peter’s funeral on Tuesday. Thank you to everyone who wrote such thoughtful words on my tribute to him. I appreciated your care and support. (And thank you to those who would have written but didn’t….we all know how things slip by.)

It was a service that summed up Peter so well, with tears and smiles and warm memories of this ordinary but remarkable man. It gave me reflection time to delve deeper into my memories of him, again sometimes with tears and sometimes with a small, private smile.

Afterwards I caught up with a couple of students we taught in those early days. What a tribute to Pete that they came to bid him farewell. They had pleasant things to say about my teaching too, reassuring to know that I had some influence, especially, apparently, with environmental and social justice issues. Who knows who you will have an impact on.

At the beginning of the week I had the chance to do some free-lance work. I won’t go into detail yet, but wait to see what comes of it. However, it is not with children, the first job I have had that does not revolve around children since I worked on the till in my Dad’s shop. (I was there out of sufferance, not because I was any good at it. But that’s another story.)  It does involve writing, so there were many intensive hours, trying to get the copy  right.

And this week I decided not to renew my teaching registration. Another ending, but the right decision.

Weaving among the week was the turmoil in our capital, Canberra. The knives were out in the ruling Liberal Party (read Tory, Republican, not small l liberal), to remove the current Prime Minister. Every hour brought fresh news of meetings (open and behind the scenes), of shifting alliances, of resignations from ministerial positions. They even had the gaul to cancel Parliament one day, because they couldn’t work out who was left on the Front Bench to answer questions about their portfolio.

It was fascinating to see the Liberals eating themselves, but disgusting to know that all of this turmoil, lack of leadership and non-governing was created out of vengeance and spite. Not policy, not philosophy, not long-term direction for the country, but revenge.

The upshot is that we have yet another Prime Minister, Scott Morrison. Will his government be any different to the last? It remains to be seen, but I doubt it. Endings, beginnings, or more of the same?

In my own little art world I created a magnolia. You may have seen it’s progress on my Instagram account, and I have written about it on my blog on the website. It is available in my Etsy store.

Copyright: Anne Lawson 2018

So, how’s your week been? 😊


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Next issue out at the end of this week.

20 replies on “What a week!”

That certainly is a turbulent week. I’m glad there was time for a little personal care with your hairdresser visit! I find a half-hour sitting and being groomed is very therapeutic when I’m feeling frazzled. There have been many interesting comments about the change of hands currently on the reins of government, but the one that has irritated me most is the complaint that we have yet another Prime Minister we didn’t elect. When do we ever? We elect a party, not a person and who it is who leads has never been in the hands of the public. At least this new bloke is not as rabidly xenophobic and reactionary as the other candidate – that we’ve seen so far, anyway!
I hope your coming week will be a little calmer 🙂


Oh, yes….the joy of being pampered at the hairdresser! You are right that we don’t elect the Prime Minister and therefore shouldn’t get outraged about this aspect. Maybe people use it as an outlet for feeling the lack of control of our representatives. I was outraged by how governing the country was put on hold while that small cabal tried to get their way. I wonder whether they will hold to their “no sniping” promises this time. (Time for me to get down off the soap box!)

Liked by 1 person

The magnolia is just beautiful, Anne. As for the week…meh. The only thing that made me laugh was that Bill Shorten finally got ahead in the preferred PM poll. Don’t you just wish there were a reset button for politics? Push it and start over. 🙂


I quite enjoy saying “When I rule the world……” but I can say that, knowing that I will never want to be remotely responsible for such a thing! The reset button could include an election in a fortnight. That would be interesting.
I am so glad that you like the magnolia.


I am fond of saying “When I rule the world….” knowing that it is the last thing I would want to do. Why anyone would aspire to politics is beyond me. The reset button should include an election in a fortnight. That would set the cat amongst the pigeons!
I am glad you like the magnolia. Thank you.


‘Why anyone would aspire to politics is beyond me’.
Right there is why we have the politicians we do. I’m sure some of them start out wanting to save the world, but almost without fail, they end up being part of the problem rather than the solution.
For now I will exclude Daniel Andrews from that list because he genuinely seems to be motivated by public service, and he’s making Melbourne a better place in the process. But I can’t help wondering how altruistic he’ll be once complacency sets in. :/
We really do need a better way, I just can’t think of one.

Liked by 1 person

That is so true. It was a delight to paint and sew the magnolia (and I am glad that you like it too), even while I was listening to the shenanigans happening in Canberra. Every where seems to be in turmoil at the moment. The UK seems to be torturing itself over Brexit. Our poor world.


Your Magnolia is stunning. I’m sitting here thinking “wouldn’t an Anne gallery in my home office be fun.” Your work, as you know, always inspires me. I’ve framed and hung my treasured pumpkin (your pumpkin), but plan to move it once I get my new crafting area set up.

As for your political situation, we’ve been following it here, too. It’s been so contentious, and as you reference Brexit and of course our granddaddy of a nightmare running the office like a spoiled child in a sandbox. It’s all horrifying and disheartening.

I’m glad you could celebrate Peter’s life and also reconnect with some students. A haircut always lifts my spirits as well, so I’m glad yours followed on such an intense week. Love to you, Anne


“An Anne Gallery” ~ what a lovely idea! Please show me your pumpkin when you get it into place.
It’s embarrassing to know that our revolving door of Prime Ministers has become news overseas. We used to chortle about other countries changing presidents etc so frequently, so now we are in the same position. Karma? At least here in Victoria we have a Premier who seems to be looking further ahead than just to the next election. He is instigating some excellent infrastructure ideas.
The Fella and I are heading off in the caravan tomorrow. Gulp! Lots to do, so I best be up and away.


Anne, have a wonderful time away in your caravan. That sounds like great fun.

I’ve been lazy about taking photos of anything lately. I think my camera may need cleaning and servicing as I’m not getting the clear pictures that I want. I promise a photo soon.

The people in charge throughout the world are tiresome at best. And we all know the worst…. I am happy to hear that you have a good Premier in Victoria. The same is true of our governor here in California. He’s outstanding.

Safe travels. xo


well that week and the one before were very intense here, but now I’m “mending me” on a very slow “boat” – but I’m actually not unhappy about the slowness…things will sure to come right, maybe things will be different but it just seems to be part of my current journey, (as long as winter of discontent doesn’t return] it’s apparenltly Spring now!


You have been having a hard time over the last few weeks, so I am glad you are on the mend. I bet there is lots of creative thoughts bubbling away during your recuperation time.
And yes! Spring might finally be on the way. I am not usually one to complain about the weather, but I did have a good grumble the other day. And boy, am I sick of my winter coat!!


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