
All Good Wishes For 2017

Yes, I know, New Year’s Day has already whizzed by us, and yet here I am writing my 2016/2017 post. The reason is the same one that explains why I have been off air for a few weeks….the Fella and I decided to go and visit relatives in Western Australia for Christmas. The trip from Melbourne to Perth is about 3,500km one way, over the Nullarbor Plain. I am going to tell you much more about it over the next few weeks, so this post is a short one.

We celebrated New Year’s Eve tucked in the bush at Moodini Bluff, amongst the fantastic mallee gums. MUCH more about these plants in later posts.

Camp at Moodini Bluff Rest Area, Nullarbor Plain, New Year’s Eve, 2016 (Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2016)

These rest areas are dotted all the way along the road. They are very basic, often only a rubbish bin, maybe a concrete table and chairs, and occasionally toilets of the drop pit variety. But many of the rest areas have tracks that wander around the trees and are very welcome after a long day of driving. They are not suitable for the big trucks that transverse the Eyre Highway. And big is big, often B triples that have to be signed as ‘road train’. The rest areas for the truckies are longer and straighter. You can hear them roaring through the night as you lie in bed amongst the peace of the mallee gums.

This NYE we had about ten fellow campers, all tucked away under their trees and as quiet as little church mice ~ or that simile should be ‘as quiet at little potoroos’!

Celebrating New Year’s Eve has never been high on my Must do List, but this one was super low-key, even for me. A glass of delicious Western Australian shiraz, a scrap dinner of scrambled eggs and short read and then bed. When I turned the light out it was so dark and quiet it was like the end of the world. It was, in a couple of ways……

You would be hard pressed to get further away from the razzmatazz of NYE.

Also, 2016 was, like 2001, a year that changed the shape of the world, and maybe even brought about, if not the end of our world, then certainly cataclysmic shifts. Much has been written about the year, but Marina’s thoughtful post ‘Strange Days Indeed’ at her blog Letters from Athens sums it up best for me.

Sunset 31st January December 2016, Moodini Bluff, Nullarbor Plain (Photo copyright: Anne Lawson, 2016)

The sunset at Moodily Bluff on NYE was beautiful, and reminded me that 2017 is in our hands. The future is not fixed, and our actions can have an influence. For example, our simple connections here in our Bloggyworld help to build understanding and break down some of the barriers.

Which reminds me that the Sketchbook is on the move again, and that I must tell you about the new, exciting entries soon. And my #secretsanta goodies. Lots of posts to come, to make up for the lack of them lately. 🙂

So, I wish you a 2017 that is free from strife and filled with creativity, love and joy. Let me leave you with this blessing from Neil Gaiman.

“May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful, and don’t forget to make some art — write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.”
― Neil Gaiman

19 replies on “All Good Wishes For 2017”

Happy 2017 to you too, Anne. 🙂 I don’t envy you the camping-out-in-the-bush part of the trip, but I would love to visit WA one day. I’ve been north to QLD but the furthest west I’ve been is Adelaide. Looking forward to hearing about your adventures. And you’re right about 2017…the waves we make may be only small, but there are a lot of them and they’re all /kind/. That counts.


And good wishes to you too, Meeks. If you don’t like driving, then flying is the way to do it. We have been down in the southern part before, and loved the coastline. This time we forgot how busy it would be over the summer break, and found that the calming grounds in places like Albany and Esperance were overflowing. The peace and quiet was one of the benefits of camping out in the bush.


You are so right about the Self indulgent ~ I am still thinking back to the peace of the nights we spent there. Doesn’t Gaiman write beautifully? It seems to sum up everything I would like to wish for people.


I like the sound of your NYE! Ours was very quiet, by choice, but not that quiet! It’s nice to know that, as we negotiate the troubles of 2017, we have like-minded people here, to bolster and encourage us!


It is such a supportive community. I think of you when I work in the garden, remembering our conversation about hope around the time of Trump’s election. I must post some photos soon to show how well they are doing. Enjoy your winter time.


Happy New Year to you too. Love the images and the soundscapes of your NYE in the bush. I too appreciate the connections in our bloggysphere. I’ve made a Google map to put little flags where I’ve come to know and read people’s posts.


One of the things I love is being involved, if only at the edges, of so many lives. I love reading about your donkeys and your life with them. It is something so unknown to me, and is now becoming a little more familiar.


Belated Happy New Year to you as well…I was in a different place for NY as well, my new2me home and it was noisy, locals with fireworks but other than that nice…I looked out my back windows as it has a kind of valley of homes to the ridge (afar) & saw a lot of fireworks but for some reason I forgot it by midnight…

Looking forward to seeing more of your travelling flora/fauna etc…


I guess that New Year’s Eve is always going to be noisy! I love fireworks but hate the crowds that go into the city to watch them. So seeing them from home would be a great compromise for me.

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Anne, that sounds like a perfect NYE to me. What beautiful country. I’m so happy you got away and enjoyed your time. I’m looking forward to reading more in the weeks to come on your Secret Santa, the latest on the sketchbook, and whatever else you plan to share. Happy New Year.


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