Odds and Ends

How pathetic am I?

I have a fascination for number plates…. 🙂

In Victoria our system has been fairly pedestrian — ABC 123. I like to keep track of the latest one I have seen by making a little phrase out of the letters. They have begun with Z over the last few years, so all my phrases begin with Zebras — Zebras Knit Socks (ZKS 123), Zebras Always Faint (ZAF 123) — you get the picture. Sometimes they are hard to make (those pesky Vs). Other times they flow. Zebras Love Unicorns made me smile and think, “Of course they do.”

But is that pathetic? Only a little…..

Astute readers like you will realise that Z is at the end of the alphabet, and therefore will be wondering what comes next. I was also wondering, and excited to see my first new plate.

And here is the pathetic part……when I did see it I had a big grin on my face!!! I even have a smaller version of the same grin now as I am writing this for you. Pathetic?! Who cares? I am looking forward to many more entertaining mind games as I tootle along the highway!

By anne54

Botanic artist

4 replies on “How pathetic am I?”

Ah, yes, a game we played when we were kids, better I think, that I spy. My family who other than me) loev to name their cars, also sometimes derive inspiration from the number plates. Z for zebra’s would have to be the funnest… Zebras Love Unicorns!


I love Ethel as a car name!

For me a car either gets a name, or it doesn’t. It needs to fit, and pretty well straight away. Alice, for the caravan, was just right, and stuck


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